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Spotlight On Songpreneurs

Songpreneurs is my company that I started back in 2010 to help songwriters make an honest go at their music.

Having watched my dad climb through the ranks from disabled construction worker (his words, not mine) to Nashville Songwriter Hall of Fame honoree, I knew it was possible.

But I also recognized that what Nashville looked like to me as an “insider” raised among the music industry was a whole lot different from what it looked like from the perspective of someone just trying to break into the biz.

In 2009, I had realized that the money fueling Nashville’s publishing houses was drying up, and that no one seemed to have a good answer as to why exactly this was happening.

We all sensed it.

The biggest aspect of the new music business that pitted writer against writer was the unbundling of the album format.

In the 80s and 90s, an artist put out an album of 10 to 14 songs written by various people, and then sold the whole lot at once, benefitting every one involved.

The three or four songs selected as radio singles served to fuel the sales of the entire album, so everyone cheered for the winners and celebrated their mutual success with increased album sales from people who heard the singles on the radio.

All that changed with the dawn of the singles market and streaming.

To combat this separative trend, something needed to be done, not just for me and my sanity, but to help other talented writers who were struggling to bring their unique art and vision to the world stage using the newly available technology tools for independent distribution.

The result is Hillbilly Culture Music Publishing, my independent music publishing home, and Songpreneurs LLC, an online and in person educational resource for songwriter and music business entrepreneurship development.

Luckily, or perhaps with something more than luck, we have built a mighty little community of songwriters and their support teams that is unparalleled in the ability to guide songwriters of every expression level toward their self chosen goals.

Many times this looks like therapy or life coaching, following a process of soul searching (with tools to help you get at the deep stuff) and self discovery that leads to a fuller flowering of service to ones’ fellowman though creative-expression.

So few if any of our Songpreneurs group has a primary goal to make money or have a number one charting hit, though we celebrate those writers that do make it to ring the bell.

Most of our group have quietly committed themselves to the work that creates a great writer, including daily writing, targeted market research and entrepreneurship skill building.

The results are starting to show now in this 11th year of service with a fountain of releases receiving attention for their uniqueness and mastery demonstration.

Songpreneurs proprietary methods are employed not only through our group, but also are used in cooperation with the United States Department of State Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, and the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office to inspire people all over the world to respect and protect their unique artistic creations, and those of others.

This is our final class of Quarter 4 tonight on the Art of Write Brain Marketing™, and I’m excited to invite our new class of 2022 to begin preparations for next year’s work, focused on Write Brain Song Crafting™ in various genres.

Here are a few of the releases and projects that have come out of our group so far this year –

My album “Appalachia Kid” written with Songpreneurs members Pete Garfinkel and Michelle Hill.

Dr. Alesia Loree, minister in California has built a new website and is preparing to release a new project in the coming year –

Taylor Lewis, Texas Country artist has released his debut album with the lead single “Never Rains In Texas” cowritten by Taylor, Pete Garfinkel and me.

And this Friday, Pete Garfinkel will step into the artist spotlight himself for the first time with his first singer-songwriter release “Stand Alone,” written by Pete and me exploring the emotions and strength needed to carry on after a loved one has passed away.

If you are moved to join us, you can apply for one of the few remaining spots in the 2022 courses, or purchase our workbooks here for study at home.

Remember – your music is important. It comes from a place of inspiration and mystery and deserves to be explored – not just for you, but for your family, community, and yes, the world.

Blessings on you today as you go about your work. I hope that you are able to experience the beauty all around you, and that if you are in pain, that you will use that pain to press forward in service to others.

For me, that has made all the difference.

Love and Light, Amanda


"Lost Love Saloon" words and music Michelle Hill and Amanda Colleen Williams

"Enemy" words and music Pete Garfinkel and Amanda Colleen Williams -


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