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World IP Day | Arts Envoy South American Tour 2021

Do you love to write?

Poster USPTO Amanda Colleen Williams US Department of State Arts Envoy Intellectual Property World IP Day Concert
Underlying photo credit Kyle McLaughlin

Poetry, songs, short stories, essays, even business reports –

When you write something, you are not only creating art, you are also creating intellectual property.

How cool is that?!

In celebration of World Intellectual Property Day, I have been on a four country virtual tour of South America: Peru, Venezuela, Bolivia and Colombia.

We have been sharing stories and music from our native cultures – from the Appalachia mountains of East Tennessee in the United States, and the Andes in South America.

Thanks to the U.S. Department of State – Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs – Cultural Affairs Office and the Arts Envoy program for supporting this work in cooperation with the U.S. Embassies in Peru, Venezuela, Colombia, and Bolivia and my company Songpreneurs LLC.

You can celebrate World IP Day, too, by posting a short message on social media.

Why is IP important to you?

Here are a few good reasons:

· IP helps small business to be profitable and sustainable

· IP supports creative workers and their families

· IP keeps consumers safe from fake products and medicines

· IP supports artists and their ability to create more art

· IP supports scientific discovery

· IP rights are a leading factor in creating a thriving, peaceful nation and economy

· IP drives profitability

· IP helps you to thrive as a unique creative business

· IP is the engine for business growth

· IP rights are human rights

You can make up your own reason why intellectual property is important to you. There are many more from which to choose.

If you love to write, congratulations!

You are making the world a better place with your unique contributions, and your intellectual property can support a better world for you and for everyone else.

Keep reading. Keep writing. Keep working. Keep dreaming.

Love & Light,

Amanda Colleen Williams


Listen to “Appalachia Kid” words and music by Pete Garfinkel and Amanda Colleen Williams here -


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