For the past 12 years, I have been putting on the Nashville Songwriting and Music Business
Conference, presented this year by Songpreneurs as a virtual event.
The vision for 2023 is to take attendees on an adventure into what it’s like to be a professional songwriter in the new music business.
Starting with “Turning On and Tuning Up Your Songwriter Radar,” we’ll look at specific techniques for managing your creativity (speeding it up or shutting it down for the night).
I’ll tell the story about how my dad, Kim Williams got the idea for “New Way To Fly” written with Garth Brooks, and we’ll practice that idea finding technique together during the workshop / lab.
Maybe someone in the group will write their next hit using the knowledge.
Target writing, or writing to the hook, is a challenge for a lot of writers, whether you’re trying to break into a new market, or just do a better job writing. Tune up your ability to hit the target in this afternoon session.
The best thing about this year’s conference is that people from around the world are planning to participate, not only in the live sessions, but also during the month following the event on the Conference discussion forum.
Some people are planning on attending a few of the live sessions June 22 to 24 as their work or vacation schedule permits, and then watching the video trainings later to catch up and do the optional practice assignments.
The Conference Forum is the hang out for attendees to get to know each other, post assignments, receive feedback, and access additional materials for practice and step by step how to videos (like how to fill out the new U.S. Copyright form for an EP, upload music to a distributor, and register your sound recordings.)
The biggest kick for me is to see the length and quality of relationships our group has sparked over the years.
Something about songwriting brings out the best in people.
I have seen near miracles of people getting along and supporting each other through tough times over the years – especially people that you would never in a million years think would ever get along for a single second.
That’s probably the real meaning behind the saying, “Music is the universal language.”
It doesn’t mean that everyone can speak it, because we all know, even among songwriters, that isn’t really true.
It means that through music, we can connect to the universe and visa versa.
Kind of makes that songwriting thing seem a little bit more important when you think of it like that.
Do you have a song in you? Maybe a few thousand songs trying to get out?
I invite you to check out the Songpreneurs Conference 2023.
Sign up and get your full month of access to the materials, and some dedicated time with a seriously awesome group of people with a passion for writing just like you.
See you soon! Love & Light, Amanda